We encourage you to take this opportunity to change the way you give by using online giving.
Please choose one of the following:
Please contact the Financial Officer: info@elimholyhead.com for bank details.
If you are a UK taxpayer, then we can claim Gift Aid on your behalf. Please download this from for the Gift Aid Declaration (PDF reader required), fill in Section A & B, sign and date it then return it to the address below:
Financial Officer, Elim Church Holyhead, Thomas Street, Holyhead, LL65 1RR
Email or scanned copies cannot be accepted as we need the original form.
You can make a regular contribution via a standing order or set on up through your own bank’s online factility. Please contact the Financial Officer: info@elimholyhead.com for bank details
If you are a UK taxpayer, then we can claim Gift Aid on your behalf. Please download this form for the Gift Aid Declaration (PDF reader required), fill in Section A & B, sign and date it then return it to the address above.
You can also make a payment by Cheque made payable to Elim Church Holyhead
Please send it to the address above with your contact details in a covering letter.
Make an online donation by clicking the button and following the instructions via the secure online giving website. Please note that there is a minimum donation of £5 using the donate button using a debit or credit card. There is an option to create a Paythru account if you want to make a donation regularly or at any other time.
New to Elim: giving via a smartphone app!
Simply scan the QR code below and follow the instructions to give directly to the Church via your phone. Alternatively, download the app via the Apple App store or Google Play store by clicking one of the buttons below.

If you need any help, have any further questions or queries then please contact the Financial Officer via info@elimholyhead.com.