Easter Sunday AND Baptism Service
Easter Sunday AND a baptism service tomorrow! For those unsure of the details:
– morning service as normal in Boston Centre Stage @ 10.30am
– baptism service at Porth Dafarch beach @ 2.30pm
(For those confused regarding mention of a BBQ: given that it is Easter Sunday and the forecast isn’t looking great, it’s been decided it’s best for people to have their own lunch and join for the baptism service afterwards.)
Coming up this week!!
Busy week coming up as we run into Easter!
TONIGHT – Worship event @ the Chapel. 7.00pm with Terry Cole
Wednesday – Connected Youth Easter Celebration (see picture)
Good Friday – Walk of Witness, meeting 12.00pm (noon) @ St Mary’s for opening prayers before walking to the Millennium Cross, followed by a joint open air service
Easter Sunday – Boston Centre Stage @ 10.30am
March’s Thoughts for the Month
Psalm 84v5: “Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, wose heart is set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring.”
● Am I self-confident or God-confident?
● Is my strength founded in my ‘own’ version of knowledge and wisdom, or in God’s word?
● Let’s base our lives in a knowledge of God’s love and faithfulness.
● “Baca” literally means the “valley of weeping” and “a spring” speaks of “blessing and life.”
● If we use our difficulties to draw us close to Jesus they can become a source of life and blessing.
Can I encourage you this month that whatever difficulties you may face, let them draw you close to Jesus and He will turn them into a life-giving blessing. May you know God’s blessing through the month of March.
Pastor Gus
Arts & Craft Exhibition
Click to see photos from the recent Arts & Craft Exhibition held in the chapel.
December’s Thoughts for the Month
With Christmas fast approaching I am reminded of the amazing scripture that we all know, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”. (John 3v.16)
Love is always expressed in giving. God’s love is measured in the size of His gift.
Do we realise the value of this gift? This gift is incredible!
He is the answer to every question, healing for every hurt, meets all our needs, solves every problem.
An old saint once said: “You don’t realise Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you’ve got.”
Even with this amazing gift there may be some mysteries this side of eternity, but in eternity everything will make sense. Everyone who receives this gift will win out in the end!!
Let’s keep Jesus first leading up to Christmas.
Have a blessed month!
November’s Thoughts for the Month
Matthew 7:24: “Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon the rock.”
What were ‘these words’? They mean all Jesus’ words. But this instruction followed the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount. Some say this sermon is the substance of Jesus’ teaching. He gives us the attitudes to live by, teaches us to deal with anger, to deal with lust, to build loving marriages, to say what we mean, love our enemies, seek the praise of God not man, to pray in secret, to pray to our Father, to fast but not to show off about it, to store up treasures in heaven not on earth, to not be judgmental, to ask, seek and knock, to believe God is a good Father and to do God’s will.
There is so much more – have a look this month!
Much of Jesus teaching could be summed up by saying: it is to know the Father’s love, to respond in love by living a life that glorifies Him, which includes loving others.
Love for God motivates our obedience to Jesus words, faith puts action to the motivation, and hope lays hold of the goodness of God and sees the action through to completion.
Let’s continue to build on the rock through Faith, Hope and Love!
Pastor Gus