Welcome to our new pastor!
Such a joy to welcome our new pastor, Gus, and his family this past Sunday. It’s a real privilege to have them with us and we can’t wait to see what God has planned! The induction service will be held on 9th September at Elim Chapel, Thomas Street. More details will be available soon!

Church BBQ (Sunday 31st July)
Next Sunday (31st July) is the church BBQ following on straight after the morning service. We’d really love for you to come and enjoy with us! It should be a great chance to just connect and share and enjoy some great food and (hopefully) great weather!
If you’d like to come, please can you message/email/comment/phone and just confirm that you are coming so we have some idea of numbers.
For security reasons, it will be a ticketed event. Tickets are FREE and will be available before our morning service next week. Also available next week will be directions to John and Kiran’s house who have graciously volunteered to host it.

Yesterday we were delighted to announce the appointment of ‘Pastor Gus and Keren Coney’ who will be taking the helm at Elim Holyhead some time in August.

Major announcement this weekend
This weekend we have exciting news for all of our Church family. God is doing great things moving forward. Many blessings Pastor Dave

This Sunday 29th May we will be having a ‘BUTTIES AND BROTH’ connect and share time. All you have to do is bring your own butties and we’ll give you a bowl of Holyhead’s best broth ‘full and running over’. We will be having a celebration service at 10:30am looking at ‘the parable of the shrewd manager’ with fellowship time to follow at 12pm.
This is a great event to invite friends along to….
VENUE: ‘Boston Centre Stage’, 11 Boston St, Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey, LL65 1BW.

This Sunday 15th May we will be joined by a tour team from iNGM (New Generation Music Bristol) for a ‘PENTECOST SUNDAY SPECIAL’. iNGM is a Christian performing arts college that trains people in music production, worship leading, media, drama and the arts. The ‘LIVE LOUNGE EVENT’ will feature drama, live music and testimonies from students attending the college. The event will commence at 6:30pm and will be followed by refreshments.
This is a great event to invite young people along to….
VENUE: ‘Boston Centre Stage’, 11 Boston St, Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey, LL65 1BW.
All welcome!!!

Spring Harvest 2016
A few of us have just arrived back from Spring Harvest. This years theme was about becoming a ‘Game Changer’ Our prayer ” Lord help us change the game and bring refreshing to the churches of North Wales”.

First Sunday at Boston
Great first Sunday at ‘Boston Centre Stage’. Thanks to everyone who helped to make it possible….